During an exceptionally Holy Month of Ramadan 2020, our #KSAFromHome series emphasized the importance of staying socially connected. Prominent guests – from engineers to entrepreneurs – joined us live on Instagram to share their stories with the world.

Episode 9

Ali Kalthami


Exclusive interview with Saudi Writer and Director Ali Kalthami

ali khalthami

Episode 8

Halah Alhamrani

Exclusive interview with Saudi Entrepreneur and Boxing trainer Halah Alhamrani

halah alhamrani

Episode 7

Mosaad Aldossary


Exclusive interview with Saudi Esports world champion Mosaad Aldossary

mosaad aldossary

Episode 6

Raha Moharrak


Exclusive interview with the first Saudi woman to conquer Mount Everest​ Raha Moharrak

Raha Moharrak

Episode 5

Faisal Sheraiff

Exclusive interview with Saudi Entrepreneur Faisal Sheraiff​

Faisal Sheraiff

Episode 4

Mishaal Ashemimry

Exclusive interview with Saudi Aerospace Engineer Mishaal Ashemimry

Mishaal Ashemimry

Episode 3

Ibrahim Abdulrahman

Exclusive interview with Saudi Influencer Ibrahim Abdulrahman

Ibrahim Abdulrahman ​

Episode 2

Basma Elkhereiji​


Exclusive interview with Saudi Entrepreneur Basma Elkhereiji

Basma Elkhereiji

Episode 1

Mohammed Alhamdan


Exclusive interview with Actor and Influencer Mohammed Alhamdan

Mohammed Alhamdan​