KSA Expo Voices

Building on the success of #KSAFromHome, this live Instagram show, hosted by Ibraheem Alkhairallah, tackles diverse inspiring stories of people from around the Kingdom and from various backgrounds.

Episode 5
Nawaf Al-Nassar

A special interview with the gifted interior designer and artist Nawaf Al-Nassar

Nawaf Al Nassar

Episode 4
The Godus Brothers

Exclusive interview with the Godus Brothers, the inspiring Saudi duo at the helm of the local film industry

Godus Brothers

Episode 3
Sawsan Albahiti

Exclusive interview with Sawsan Albahiti, the inspiring Saudi opera singer    

Sawsan Albahiti

Episode 2

A special interview with Saudi contemporary artist Nugamshi


Episode 1

Turki Almohsen

Exclusive interview with the multi-talented content creator, actor and director, Turki Almohsen  

Turki Almohsen