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desert point
Price List 2023-24 Silver Gold Platinum
1 night  SAR 750 SAR 1,000 SAR 1,500
SGL supp SAR 200 SAR 300 SAR 400
2 nights SAR 650 SAR 900 SAR 1,350
SGL supp SAR 200 SAR 300 SAR 400
3 nights & more SAR 550 SAR 800 SAR 1,200
SGL supp SAR 200 SAR 300 SAR 400
Prices are per person per night in SAR excluding taxes.
  • Tent Tipi Type
  • Sleeping mattress 
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Juices & Water
  • One Sharing Toilet for every 10 Pax
  • Canvas tent
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Individual Bed
  • Soft drinks, Juices, coffee & Tea
  • One Sharing Toilet for every 10 Pax
  • Canvas Tent
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Individual Bed
  • Soft drinks, Juices, coffee & Tea
  • One Sharing Toilet for all guest next to the Lounge
  • 1 Private toilet per tent


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